A Duplicate Execution Request Is Found For Program Install Sccm 2007

A Duplicate Execution Request Is Found For Program Install Sccm 2007

  1. A Duplicate Execution Request Is Found For Program Install Sccm 2007
A duplicate execution request is found for program install sccm 2007

A Duplicate Execution Request Is Found For Program Install Sccm 2007

More fun and games with OSD Task Sequences - this time in the form of error 0x80040104. The error as it was displayed on the clients screen was: This task sequence cannot be run because a package referenced by the task sequence could not be found. For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator. This happened immediately after selecting the task sequence and processing the dependencies. Upon viewing the SMSTS.log we spotted the error Failed to resolve selected task sequence dependencies.

Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Jul 10, 2014. Solution: Found the solution for this the program was disabled see below.

Code(0x80040104) The only change made to the TS since yesterday was a new driver package for the Lenovo X220T tablets. The reference to a missing package reminded me of a post I made once in reference to drivers and driver packages - that if you leave the distribution point on Source version 1 it will just bomb out. Refreshing the DP didn't help so went via 'Manage' and created a new source version. As if by magic. I have a task sequence setup for quick deployment of corporate apps to machines that haven't yet got complete driver packages and get a vanilla install of Windows 7 x64 deployed. This TS was recently failing when run from 'Run Advertised Programs' with the error: verifying content availability for package optional program.

It turned out my Java Package didn't have program selected due to the it being disabled from the actual packages program its self. I've highlighted it below. If you do get the error it's worth checking your TS programs - unfortunately SCCM doesn't always give the most comprehensive of error messages - I hope this helps someone else.

A Duplicate Execution Request Is Found For Program Install Sccm 2007